Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka’s Avvo Clients’ Choice Award
The independent attorney rating service, Avvo, recently announced its Clients’ Choice Awards for the most highly rated attorneys in the country. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka again received the Avvo Clients’ Choice Award.
Avvo is an attorney rating service that has ratings, reviews, and disciplinary records for lawyers in every state. Its purpose is to help people get legal advice, find the right lawyer, and make informed legal decisions.
How the Avvo Rating is calculated
The Avvo Rating cannot be bought. The model used to calculate the rating was developed with input from hundreds of attorneys, thousands of consumers, and many other legal professionals who deeply understand the work attorneys do. The Avvo Rating reflects the type of information people have identified as important when looking to hire an attorney.
100+ Five Star Reviews
Selections for the Clients’ Choice award are made based on the number and quality of ratings and reviews an attorney receives by clients they have personally represented. The Clients’ Choice Award is reserved for attorneys, who receive a significant number of 5-star reviews on Avvo. Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka has received more than 100 five star reviews and recommendations.
To see Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka’s reviews, please visit:
Adwokat Agnieszka Piasecka otrzymała nagrodę Avvo Clients 'Choice Award, popularna strona prowadząca ranking adwokatów, ogłosiła niedawno swoje nagrody na podstawie opinii klientów, „Avvo Clients 'Choice Awards”, dla najwyżej ocenianych prawników w kraju. W tym roku, adwokat Agnieszka Piasecka ponownie otrzymała nagrodę Avvo Clients 'Choice Award. to niezależna strona internetowa, na której klienci mogą zamieścić swoje opinie na temat adwokatów, aby pomóc innym potencjalnym klientom w znalezieniu odpowiedniego prawnika i podejmowaniu świadomych decyzji prawnych.
Jak obliczana jest ocena Avvo
Oceny Avvo nie można kupić. Model zastosowany do punktowania prawników został opracowany przy udziale setek prawników, tysięcy konsumentów i wielu innych profesjonalistów, którzy dogłębnie rozumieją to, co robią prawnicy. Ocena Avvo odzwierciedla rodzaj informacji, które ludzie uznali za ważne, gdy chcą zatrudnić prawnika.
Ponad 100 pięciogwiazdkowych recenzji
Nominacje do nagrody klientów, Avvo Clients 'Choice Awards, dokonywane są na podstawie liczby i jakości ocen i recenzji, które adwokat otrzymuje od klientów, których osobiście reprezentował lub udzielił im konsultacji prawnej. Nagroda wyboru klientów jest zarezerwowana dla prawników, którzy otrzymali znaczną liczbę pięciogwiazdkowych recenzji na Avvo. Adwokat, Agnieszka Piasecka, otrzymała ponad 100 pięciogwiazdkowych recenzji.
Aby przeczytać recenzje Agnieszki Piaseckiej, odwiedź:
Premio Avvo Clients 'Choice de la abogada Agnieszka "Aga" Piasecka
El servicio de calificación de abogados independiente, Avvo, anunció recientemente sus premios Clients 'Choice Awards para los abogados mejor calificados del país. La abogada Agnieszka "Aga" Piasecka recibió nuevamente el premio Avvo Clients ’Choice Award.
Avvo es un servicio de calificación de abogados que tiene calificaciones, revisiones y registros disciplinarios para abogados en todos los estados. Su propósito es ayudar a las personas a obtener asesoramiento legal, encontrar el abogado adecuado y tomar decisiones legales informadas.
Cómo se calcula la calificación de Avvo
La calificación Avvo no se puede comprar. El modelo utilizado para calcular la calificación se desarrolló con el aporte de cientos de abogados, miles de consumidores y muchos otros profesionales legales que entienden profundamente el trabajo que hacen los abogados. La calificación Avvo refleja el tipo de información que las personas han identificado como importante cuando buscan contratar a un abogado.
Más de 100 reseñas de cinco estrellas
Las selecciones para el premio Elección de los clientes se basan en el número y la calidad de las calificaciones y reseñas que un abogado recibe de los clientes a los que ha representado personalmente. El premio Clients 'Choice Award está reservado para abogados, que reciben un número significativo de reseñas de 5 estrellas en Avvo. La abogada Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka ha recibido más de 100 reseñas y recomendaciones de cinco estrellas.
Para ver las reseñas de Agnieszka "Aga" Piasecka, visite:
5.0 stars
Posted by Monika
December 12, 2024
I cannot recommend Ms. Agnieszka Piasecka highly enough. She is incredibly knowledgeable, responsive, and always kept me informed throughout my case. Ms. Piasecka’s dedication and excellent communication skills really helped me navigate a stressful situation, and ultimately achieved a fantastic outcome. I felt completely supported throughout the entire process.
Sumienna adwokat, odpowiedzialna i konkretna, rzeczowa.
5.0 stars
Posted by Monika
November 11, 2024
Szeroki zakres wiedzy pani adwokat, wyczerpujące, jasne wyjaśnienia i opinie pozwoliły mi załatwić sprawy z zakresu prawa spadkowego. Bardzo profesjonalne podejście, do tego zawsze sympatyczne rozmowy, lojalność i poczucie empatii. Szczerze polecam z całego serca, świetna osoba, jestem zadowolona i dziękuję za pomoc i poświęcenie.
5.0 stars
Posted by Danuta
November 4, 2024
Agnieszka Sylvia Piasecka is very professional attorney .She made for us outstanding job.Our trust was finished very quickly and professional. She explained any concerns re. trust. in polish and english language.
Very Professional, Detailed, and Responsive
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
October 29, 2024
I hired Ms. Piasecka to assist with my case filing I had with the Polish consulate, in particular acquiring the appropriate apostilles and translations of case-related documents. Ms. Piasecka was very professional and thorough in all communication, responded promptly whenever I had inquiries, and accurately provided all the documents and translations as requested in a timely manner. There were no issues with said documents and translations, and my case was concluded successfully. I would hire Ms. Piasecka again without hesitation, and I would highly recommend her.
5.0 stars
Posted by Lucy
October 17, 2024
W trudnym dla mnie czasie, najlepsze co mnie spotkało, to nawiązanie współpracy z Panią Mecenas Agnieszką Piasecką. Pani Aga to osoba bardzo empatyczna, solidna, pracowita, szybko reagująca na każdy ruch w powierzonej jej sprawie. Była ze mną prawie 3 lata, tyle ile było potrzeba. Mój adwersarz, z adwokatem będącym przeciwnikiem bardzo kulturalnej Pani Agnieszki, byli trudnymi przeciwnikami. Pani Aga dała radę!!! Przy tym wszystkim pani Agnieszka mimo swojego wielkiego profesjonalizmu w każdym calu, absolutnie nie ma wygórowanych honorariów za swoje usługi. Bardzo polecam osobom w potrzebie a Pani Agnieszce dziękuję.
Excellent Attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Dorota
October 15, 2024
Working with Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka was nothing but a great experience. She represented us in a difficult divorce case and was very supportive throughout the whole process. Her communication and organizational skills are the best in the industry. Fully recommending Agnieszka Piasecki for all your legal needs.
zielona karta
5.0 stars
Posted by Katarzyna Parys
October 4, 2024
Dziękuję Pani Agnieszce za 100% profesjonalizmu, zaangażowania i wyrozumiałości w prowadzeniu mojej sprawy związanej z zieloną kartą dla mnie i moich dzieci. Sprawa była skomplikowana, ale dzięki Pani Agnieszce czułam się bezpieczna i zaopiekowana. Pani Agnieszka rzeczowo i fachowo wszystko nam tłumaczyła a dokumenty były przygotowywane w 100% profesjonalnie, sprawnie i rzetelnie tak, że urząd po drobnych uzupełnieniach przyznał całej naszej rodzinie zieloną kartę. Jesteśmy bardzo szczęśliwi, że trafiliśmy na tak rzetelnego fachowca! dziękujemy z całego serca.
5.0 stars
Posted by Piotr
September 30, 2024
The best, number one …!!! Very Good, quick , service , very helpful person- I can recommend 100% - I was very satisfied…!!!
Highly recommended
5.0 stars
Posted by Aleksandra
September 9, 2024
I had a pleasure of working with Agnieszka Piasecka on multiple occasions and I can honestly say she is incredible. Each time I've worked with Agnieszka Piasecka she has consistently provided exceptional service. Agnieszka Piasecka is reliable, thorough, knowledgeable and compassionate. If you are looking for an effective lawyer, look no further. I will be forever grateful for her expertise, support and help.
THANK YOU Agnieszka Piasecka for your amazing service!
Great attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
July 28, 2024
I cannot recommend Aga highly enough! From the moment we first consulted with her it was clear that we were in excellent hands.
Aga was always available to answer all of our MANY immigration questions both by phone and email (even while she was on vacation) and we were always made to feel like we were a priority.
Thank You.
5.0 stars
Posted by Patrick & Wioletta
July 11, 2024
I am very impressed with how efficiently and professionally Mrs. Agnieszka dealt with my visa and green card matters. Despite the complicated application process and so many documents, Mrs. Agnieszka always provided her help and advice. Everything was resolved successfully, and I highly recommend her help to others.
Zielona karta
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
July 11, 2024
Dziękuję serdecznie pani Agnieszcze za fachową pomoc w załatwieniu formalności o wize i pomoc w otrzymaniu zielonej karty.Pani Agnieszka była zawsze pomocna i służyła wieloma radami,była konkretną i przeprowadziła złożenie wniosku bardzo sprawnie ,bez jej pomocy byłoby to bardzo trudne.Polecam serdecznie jej pomoc bo jest niezawodna ,dziękuję. Wioletta Maslyk
Best lawyer ever
5.0 stars
Posted by Elzbieta
July 10, 2024
Agnieszka Piasecka is professional and knowledgable. She prepared my documents quickly and explained every step along the way. I’m happy I found such a good lawyer. Thank you !
Bardzo skuteczna i zawsze pomocna Pani Mecenas
5.0 stars
Posted by Teresa Brożyna-Zaniewska
July 7, 2024
Pani Mecenas Agnieszka Piasecka to profesjonalny i wyjątkowy Adwokat. Pani Mecenas jest konkretna, rzeczowa, rozwiązuje każdy problem z wielką starannością. Potrafi uważnie słuchać i dobrze doradzić. Nigdy nie odmawia dodatkowych konsultacji, wyjaśnia wszystkie wątpliwości. Panią Mecenas wyróżnia wybitnie, troska o powierzoną Jej sprawę. Przy prowadzeniu mojej sprawy, czułam opiekę Pani Mecenas, co powodowało, że stres znikał. Czułam się bezpiecznie i nie miałam żadnych obaw, że moja sprawa zakończy się niepomyślnie dla mnie. Dzięki Pani Mecenas A. Piaseckiej moja sprawa zakończyła się pozytywnie dla mnie, za co Jej bardzo dziękuję. Szczerze, z całego serca, polecam Panią Mecenas Agnieszkę Piasecką.
Porada prawna
5.0 stars
Posted by Tad
May 13, 2024
Pani Mecenas Agnieszka Piasecka jest bardzo profesjonalna w swojej pracy. Cala moja sprawa zostala zalatwiona bardzo szybko, w milej i przyjaznej atmosferze. Pani Agnieszka udzielila wyczerpujacych odpowiedzi na nurtujace mnie pytania jak rowniez objasnila przepisy prawne w tym zakresie. Dlatego szczerze polecam Kancelarie i uslugi Pani Mecenas.
Peace of Mind…
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
April 26, 2024
Agnieszka Piasecka was a pleasure to work with. She handled my many estate legal documents in a very professional, thorough and prompt manner. For work, not under her purview, she recommends reputable colleagues for specific circumstances. I highly recommend her!
Lester M
5.0 stars
Posted by Lester
March 21, 2024
Świetny Adeokat , jest bardzo dokładną i kompetentną w tym co robi ,polecam.
Dziękuję Pani Agnieszko !!!
5.0 stars
Posted by Jolanta H
March 14, 2024
Skorzystałam z usługi Kancelarii Adwokackiej Pani Agnieszki .Profesjonalizm pełne zaangażowanie, wielka kultura osobista i ogrom empatii to wszystko sprawiło że przez cały czas trwania mojej sprawy czułam się bardzo spokojnie i bezpiecznie. Sprawa zakończyła się z korzystnym rezultatem tak jak tego oczekiwałyśmy. Gorąco polecam usługi Kancelarii Pani Agnieszki .
Always there
5.0 stars
Posted by Boris
February 7, 2024
Had a great experience working with Aga. Professional, friendly, and always there when you need her. Quick to respond on emails anytime I had any questions.
5.0 stars
Posted by Anna
January 9, 2024
Agnieszka was amazingly helpful and supportive.She gave specific advice ,great attention to details, and very professional communication. I highly recommend.
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka
5.0 stars
Posted by Witold Majewski
December 30, 2023
Witam.Jestem bardzo zadowolony z usług biura Pani Mecenas Agnieszki Piaseckiej.Moja sprawa została załatwiona szybko i profesjonalnie.Bardzo miły i rzeczowy kontakt.Gorąco polecam każdemu usługi tej firmy.
Skills ++++
5.0 stars
Posted by Carol
December 29, 2023
Meeting with Aga for the first time was like reuniting with an old friend who has very high level legal skills. Since I live several hours away most of our initial communication was done via net/phone. Even on our initial phone conversation I immediately felt at ease with not just her acumen but her person. She readily
had the answers to all of my questions and kept the door wide open for any more. Her honesty particularly showed in that she told me what services of hers that I did not need! I would highly recommend her for any legal matters.
Professional Lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Aneta
December 22, 2023
Mrs. Piasecka is extremely professional and knowledgeable. Very honest approach to the cases and good communication. She is trustworthy person who I can recommend. to others.
Professional Services
5.0 stars
Posted by Eva
October 29, 2023
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka was very knowledgeable, professional, efficient and our issue was handled well and in a very timely manner. She was very courteous and friendly as well. She also answered every question we had and explained everything in fine detail. I would highly recommend her for any of your legal needs that she may handle.
Agnieszka Sylvia Piasecka
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
October 26, 2023
Nasze spotkania z paniaPiasecka byly bardzo informujace ,zrozumiale. Pani Agnieszka Piasecka byla Bardzo pomocna I fachowa. Sprawa ,ktora wymagala pomocy adwokata zostala przez pania Piasecka bardzo szybko zalatwiona i wszystko przebieglo w bardzo przyjaznej I bezstresowej atmoferze. Pani Piasecka bedzie zawsze reprezentowala nas jako masz Adwokat. Oczywiscie polecamy pania adwokat Piasecka wszystkim porzebujacym pomocy prawnej.
5.0 stars
Posted by Ollie
October 16, 2023
I was referred to Agnieszka Piasecka and it was the most pleasant experience! Exceptionally knowledgable and willing to go above and beyond the call of duty in sharing her thoughts and time. Her advice has been simply invaluable. I'm very thankful to Agnieszka and I highly recommend her to all my friends who need an immigration attorney.
5.0 stars
Posted by Lukasz
October 7, 2023
Attorney Agnieszka "Aga" Piasecka is a highly skilled and experienced attorney who is dedicated to providing her clients with the best possible legal representation. She is knowledgeable in a wide range of legal areas, and she is always willing to go the extra mile to help her clients achieve their goals.
I had the pleasure of working with Attorney Piasecka on a recent legal matter, and I was extremely impressed with her professionalism, expertise, and dedication. She took the time to understand my case thoroughly, and she explained all of my options to me in a clear and concise manner. She also kept me updated on the progress of my case at all times, and she was always available to answer my questions and concerns. In the end, Attorney Piasecka was able to achieve a favorable outcome for my case. I am so grateful for her help and support, and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a skilled and experienced attorney.
Thank you!
5.0 stars
Posted by Agata
September 13, 2023
Jestem bardzo zadowolona z usług Pani Agnieszki! Pani Mecenas jest rzeczowa i konkretna. Pomogła mi w bardzo ważnym i stresującym momencie mojego życia. Bardzo szybko zareagowała na moją prośbę o pomoc, odpowiedziała jasno na pytania i powiedziała co robić dalej w mojej sprawie.
I am very satisfied with Ms. Agnieszka's services! The attorney is factual and specific. She helped me at a very important and stressful time in my life. She responded very quickly to my request for help, answered my questions clearly and told me what to do next in my case.
Strong recommendation
5.0 stars
Posted by Mark
September 11, 2023
My case was solved very quickly and with very professional maters. She is an excellent attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Beata i Tomasz Trojanowski
September 6, 2023
Beast Polish/American lawyer in Florida
Very knowledgeable easy to talk to and work with. she is bilingual, so it helps a great deal.
Very pleased with her work, tactics, and timing matter
I would recommend her to anyone that is interested in service she is providing
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
August 16, 2023
Reprezentowala mnie przy kupnie kondominiów.Majac tak dobrego adwokata byłem spokojny o przebieg tranzakcji.Ostatnio potrzebowałem zrobienia pełnomocnictwa zrobiła to z wielka starannością i fachowością.Jest bardzo asertywna osoba.
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
August 12, 2023
We are Polish and Agnieszka did an amazing job translating everything for us. She was very professional and diligent, I would definitely recommend her!
Zadowoleni Klienci
5.0 stars
Posted by Jerzy
June 24, 2023
Było nam bardzo miło poznac Panią Agnieszkę do której zgłosiliśmy się w sprawach spadkowych. Bardzo miła i kompetentna Osoba , przedstawiła nam wszystko sprawnie i bardzo zrozumiale dla Nas !!!
Dziekujemy za wszystko i napewno wrócimy po więcej Cennych rad w języku polskim
Excellent and highly recommended
5.0 stars
Posted by Iwona
May 30, 2023
Excellent and efficient legal advice and service. I highly recommend Agnieszka Piasecka and her services. Very helpful that she is bilingual in Polish / English in helping out my mom with her legal needs.
5.0 stars
Posted by Barbara
May 2, 2023
Profesjonalne i szybkie zalatwienie sprawy emigracyjnej.Polecam z calego serca
5.0 stars
Posted by Mike
April 25, 2023
Fantastic Lawyer that is very supportive and diligent
Took care of my needs quickly and timely
5.0 stars
Posted by Andrzej
March 30, 2023
Very professional and nice person. I highly recommend her for profesional service on a wide range of cases.
Lawyer review
5.0 stars
Posted by Elzbieta
March 26, 2023
Agnieszka Piasecka is a really excellent lawyer. She is a very nice person, and I would definitely recommend her to anyone that may need her for their situations.
5.0 stars
Posted by Ryszard
March 23, 2023
Działanie prawnika było bardzo profesjonalne , zdalnie przez internet bez potrzeby tracenia czasu moją sprawę Pani adwokat załatwiła szybko i niedrogo,
szczerze polecam
Very professional
5.0 stars
Posted by Andy
March 21, 2023
Agnieszka Piasecka is well organized, very professional and pleasure to work with.
We'd recommend her to our friends should there ever be a need for an attorney services.
5.0 stars
Posted by Dominik Sedziak
March 13, 2023
I was so pleased with the service I received from Agnieszka Piasecka. She went above and beyond to help me with my immigration case
Thank you so much again !
5.0 stars
Posted by Andrzej
February 23, 2023
Prepared the paper work and all the documents I requested with no time. Thank You Aga
Highly recommend
5.0 stars
Posted by Kinga
February 22, 2023
Jestem bardzo zadowolona, że zdecydowałam się zabezpieczyć przyszłość swoją i swojej rodziny z pomocą Pani Agnieszki. Dostałam profesjonalną poradę oraz wyczerpujące odpowiedzi na wszystkie pytania i wątpliwości. Wszystko odbyło się w zaplanowanym czasie, bez żadnych niespodzianek w bardzo przyjemnej atmosferze. Pani Agnieszka jest świetnie przygotowana merytorycznie ale również estetycznie. Zostałam zaopatrzona w przepięknie przygotowany segregator - zestaw potrzebnych mi dokumentów, bardzo dobrze zorganizowany i opisany co pozwala na szybkie znalezienie poszczególnych informacji oraz spokojny sen. Szczerze polecam.
I am very happy that I decided to secure my future with the help of Agnieszka Piasecka. I received professional advice and comprehensive answers to all questions and doubts. Everything took place at the scheduled time, without any surprises, in a very pleasant atmosphere. Mrs. Agnieszka is well-prepared in terms of content as well as aesthetics. I was provided with a beautifully prepared set of necessary documents. Very well organized and described, which allows you to quickly find individual information and sleep well. Highly recommend.
The Best Of The Best.
5.0 stars
Posted by Maggie N
February 10, 2023
We recently completed our Estate Planning documents with Mrs. Aga Piasecka. It was the best experience we have ever had with the lawyer. Mrs. Aga Piasecka is very professional, responsive, takes time to answer all the questions, helpful in every aspect, knowledgeable and easy to work with. We are extremally happy with her professional and efficient services. FIVE STARS SERVICE FOR SURE!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Last wills, Trust Certification
5.0 stars
Posted by Bigniew Sroczynski
January 19, 2023
I'm extremely happy with service she provided, she is very professional. She explained everything very well and understandable. She has very pleasant and likeable personality. I would recommend her to everybody, which I already did to my friends. She did Last wills, Trust Certification, and many more.
5.0 stars
Posted by Piotr
January 12, 2023
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka is very professional, very helpful. We are very satisfy for the services we receive . We highly recommend her service.
Outstanding Attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Stephanie
January 2, 2023
After speaking with several attorneys, I chose Agnieszka to handle my case. She was very kind, professional, provided clear details, and kept me informed throughout the process. She was always quick to respond when I reached out to her. I had the best possible outcome to my case because of her. I am truly grateful. I highly recommend her!
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka
Very Professional
5.0 stars
Posted by Sebastian
November 23, 2022
I highly recommend Mrs Piasecka after working with her on few cases where she was helping me. Very professional and well organized Attorney is the key to any successful case you gonna have with her.
Professional Service
5.0 stars
Posted by Jolanta
November 21, 2022
Recently we were in need of Power Of Attorney. Attorney Piasecka made it very easy for us to obtain this document. Since we never applied for POA in the past we had several questions in regards to it. All questions were answered promptly with great detail and explanation. Ms. Piasecka is very pleasant and easy to work with in addition to being very professional and knowledgeable. Thank you very much for your services and we are looking forward to work with you again
in the future.
Best Attorney EVER!
5.0 stars
Posted by Pawel
November 10, 2022
It was a pleasure working with Mrs. Agnieszka Piasecka. She did Will and Trust for us. We truly recommend her, very experienced and knowledgeable Attorney.
Amazing experience
5.0 stars
Posted by Aleksandra
October 10, 2022
No words can express my gratitude, very effective and quick professional A+++
Wspanialy prawnik jestem bardzo zadowlona ze wspolpracy z Pania Agnieszka. Polecam
Happy to have her as my lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Heidi
October 10, 2022
Service done by Agnieszka Piasecka was very professional. I got very good advice from her. All documents were done as expected and very well explained. I will recommend her to my family and friends.
Great professional lawyer - highly recommend
5.0 stars
Posted by Krystyna
September 20, 2022
Agnieszka is an exceptional and professional lawyer who was also very kind and courteous. I would recommend her to anyone who needs her services.
5.0 stars
Posted by Brenda
August 21, 2022
Very professional service, great communication, simply the great lawyer to work with.
Excellent Lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Zenon I Krystyna Z.
August 21, 2022
Agnieszka Piasecka is a very kind, knowledgeable, respectful, and responsible professional lawyer. She did an excellent job with our Estate Planning Documents. She was very professional, she answered our questions & concerns in Polish & English. We highly recommend her legal services. She can advise and find a very good solution to a given matter. She is a very nice person, with warm positive energy. We are very pleased and we sincerely recommend Agnieszka especially for people using the English language as a second language to understand any legal terms in prepared documents. Five Stars Lawyer!
Zenon I Krystyna
A learned and thoughtful professional who gets the job done.
5.0 stars
Posted by Joanna
August 20, 2022
One of the best attorneys and most professional people I have ever worked with. Ms. Piasecka is an extremely thoughtful and learned attorney. She spent a great deal of time and effort on my very complex case that spanned two countries and many ministries abroad. Her knowledge of domestic and international affairs was critical in resolving my case. She is honest and takes care to explain the situation clearly. Her patience and guidance was a joy to work with. I would very much recommend Ms. Piasecka for any complex matter relating to international and domestic matters. She was successful in resolving my issues. She continues to assist me in other legal matters and I am grateful for her support.
Fantastic and diligent attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Mchal
August 13, 2022
Mrs. Piasecka assisted me out in a very unique matter, and walked me through the entire process at the very first conversation we had. She was extremely diligent in staying on top of the document processing and tracking and followed up to ensure everything was correct. She even was able to expedite the entire process through her professional connections. One of the best attorneys I had a privilege to deal with, would highly recommend to friends and family.
Great Immigration Attorney!
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
August 10, 2022
Agnieszka is an incredible attorney. She worked fast in our case and was always available to answer any questions we would have. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for an attorney who actually cares.
Amazing Lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Marcin
August 9, 2022
I highly recommend. Full professional lawyer with an open approach to the client and his cases. Explain everything in detail and made the case a better learning experience for me. Very kind, courteous person with lots of energy and willingness to support.
Amazing lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Margaret
August 8, 2022
Agnieszka Piasecka is a very kind, knowledgeable and professional lawyer. She did an excellent job with my estate planning. Highly recommended!!!
Estate Planning
5.0 stars
Posted by Jadwiga
August 8, 2022
Agnieszka Piasecka prepared our Estate Planning Documents. She was very professional, she answered our questions & concerns in Polish & English. We highly recommend her legal services.
Opinion about - Agnieszka Sylwia Piasecka
5.0 stars
Posted by Irena Luczak
July 13, 2022
Very knowledgeable kind, respectful and responsible. She can advise and find a very good solution in a given matter. She is a very nice person, warm positive energy, can help or advise anyone, I am very pleased and I sincerely recommend...
Irena Luczak
Excellent, Professional Lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Tony
July 10, 2022
Agnieszka was an excellent lawyer. She was knowledgeable, and extremely professional. She answered all of our questions and helped with all of our needs. I would recommend her to everyone.
Highly professional lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Alina
July 7, 2022
Highly professional lawyer.,everything was easy going! Angniezka knows two languages so it makes it much easier! I will definitely recommend!!!!
5.0 stars
Posted by Promise
June 25, 2022
It was great working with her. Her communication is top notch. She kept me informed in all step of the way. I will always recommend her.
Excellent Service.
5.0 stars
Posted by Maria
June 24, 2022
Highly recommended, very proffessional. Helpful in every acpects. Prompt to answer your questions.
Knowledgeable and Helpful
5.0 stars
Posted by Tasnia
June 23, 2022
Aga was so great at explaining everything. It was a pleasure meeting her. She answered all our questions, even some very specific ones! We will be working with her in the future as well!
Excellent experience
5.0 stars
Posted by Megan
June 14, 2022
Agnieszka Piasecka was extremely professional and quickly responded to my request for my Trust and other personal documents. She took the time to explain everything to me, step by step. She answered all of my questions thoroughly.
Marta Marszalek Realtor
5.0 stars
Posted by Marta
June 2, 2022
Agnieszka is a great attorney and human being. She advises wisely and is friendly, always willing to help. I'm sending my clients her way if they are searching for a professional attorney's help.
Know your rights and hire Agnieszka to represent you!
5.0 stars
Posted by Mourad
May 30, 2022
Agnieszka had helped me with my case. She explained everything in details and made the process very clear. She kept me informed about my case’s status. And she got my traffic citation dismissed. Saved me time, money, and dealing with the traffic course.
Most grateful to have contacted her and I recommend this law firm to anyone who needs help.
Trusts and Estates
5.0 stars
Posted by Wagih
May 13, 2022
It was a pleasure working with her. She’s very attentive and thorough and is able to address the clients needs promptly with excellent pricing. Highly recommended.
Preparation of the will.
5.0 stars
Posted by Boguslawa
May 11, 2022
We met attorney Agnieszke Piasecka in connection with the preparation of the will. She is very professional. The documents were made on time. She explained all the possibilities and aspects of the topic that interests us. We heartily recommend her to everyone.
Long Overdue Update to Family Trust!
5.0 stars
Posted by Patti
April 28, 2022
I originally reached out to Ms. Piasecka because of her availability through my MetLife Legal plan, combined with her previous great reviews!
She was so knowledgeable and responsive, we decided to hire her to update our long outdated family trust with a more thorough estate plan. We appreciated the convenience of doing the bulk of our correspondence electronically, and enjoyed meeting her for signing once everything was in order.
This has been something that has been on my to-do list for many years! I am very thankful to finally have it done and would recommend her to everyone!
Speeding ticket
5.0 stars
Posted by Evan
April 17, 2022
Agnieszka Sylwia Piasecka Took care of a ticket for me. She is amazing. She took care of Everything from A to Z all while keepingme updated along the process. If you need someone who is reliable and that you can trust. You’d be failing not to use her.
Great attorney. Diligent, professional and knowledgeable
5.0 stars
Posted by Miguel
April 10, 2022
Best attorney I have had by far!!
After interviewing with multiple attorneys for my green card removal of conditions and naturalization, we decided to go with Agnieszka. She was extremely professional and responsive from the beginning. One of the most important things for me was to have someone who would follow up quickly and keep me updated with any changes regarding my case. In this matter, Agnieszka met all my expectations. She would even notify me of updates and changes to my case even before I would receive them in my inbox. Also, I tend to ask a lot of questions and send multiple emails, and she was very patient and took her time to answer to everything in detail, which I truly appreciate. Immigration cases tend to be stressful but she made it feel very easy and smooth.
I am very happy with how she handled my case. Both of my applications were successful and everything was a breeze thanks to all the advice and work she put into my case. She is very trustworthy and you will not be disappointed if you go with her. Moreover, she makes herself very accessible at every step of the process.
I would not think twice and hire her if I was in need of an attorney. I am very impressed with her and If I ever need an attorney again she will be the first person I call!
Thank you Agnieszka for everything!
5.0 stars
Posted by Maria
March 30, 2022
We had a wonderful experience working with Lawyer Agnieszka Piasecka. She has exceptional knowledge and experience in her field and she helped us greatly with our case. She has wonderful personality and is very professional. We would highly recommend Agnieszka to anyone.
Agnieszka she’s a real, honest, caring, diligent, relentless, passionate and professional lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Mohamed
March 25, 2022
Agnieszka she is AMAZING!! Not only is she a brilliant immigration attorney, Agnieszka is kind, caring and went beyond his requirements and responsibilities in order to help me get my green card. Agnieszka is accommodating, through and meticulous. Agnieszka is very easily accessible, and responds to emails and phone calls immediately. I would recommend Agnieszka to anyone who is looking for an immigration attorney; her fees are very reasonable. Agnieszka treated my case like I was a priority, and as though she was only working on my case (even though she was working on multiple cases at the same time). Agnieszka eased my mind, and assured me that everything was in order. In my opinion, Agnieszka went beyond my expectations, and she is a rare and prime example of excellence.
5.0 stars
Posted by ELZBIETA
March 24, 2022
Excellent and efficient!
5.0 stars
Posted by Kamil
March 23, 2022
I am writing this testimonial to express my appreciation to attorney Piasecka. Her expertise and professionalism helped me obtain my permanent resident status very swiftly. She made the whole process very straight forward, with very clear instructions and regular updates when each stage has been completed. I would definitely contact, or refer friends to attorney Piasecka.
Very knowledgeable and helpful
5.0 stars
Posted by Matty
March 14, 2022
Mrs. Agnieszka has been very helpful, answering all my legal questions. The reason I retain Aga for all my legal matters is because I know I am in good hands.
Great job
5.0 stars
Posted by Kevin
March 12, 2022
Aga was very friendly and got our Wills completed on time. She was great about answering questions so that we felt comfortable throughout the process.
Excellent, highly educated, and compassionate lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Norman
March 10, 2022
My wife has panic attracts, but Ms. Piasecka created an environment in which my wife felt relaxed, just like among family.
Great and amazing lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Ahmed
March 6, 2022
Agnieszka is very great lawyer and has an amazing knowledge and very experienced in immigration. I have been recommended through my friend. She help me to do my Adjustment of status through marriage. She is very amazing lawyer and very honest. Agnieszka was always on the top and ahead of all paperwork. Very responsive thoughout the entire process. Also, she made the process very easy and convenient. Love her energy and love the successful outcome. Overall, she did an incredible job with my case from the beginning to the end. She file all the paperwork and sent them to the immigration so I didn’t have to worry about anything. Within less than 8 months, my case was approved. Plus, I didn’t have to have an interview for my green card. I couldn’t be happier and more grateful. I highly recommend her to anyone
Thank you so much Agnieszka for your help.
5.0 stars
Posted by Iwona
February 28, 2022
Kilkakrotnie korzystaliśmy z pomocy prawnej Pani Mecenas. Dzieki fachowej pomocy uniknęlismy strat w sprawie z nieuczciwymi agentami nieruchomosci. Paani Mecenas przygotowala dla nas kilka dokumentow prawnych. Polecam
5.0 stars
Posted by Zbigniew
February 3, 2022
Very professional and on top of her work, works well with her clients. Would recommend to anyone seeking a true professional to get a job done.
5.0 stars
Posted by Joanna
January 3, 2022
When I hired AP as my lawyer I immediately felt being in good hands based on confidence in her ability and knowledge. During the entire process of my case I experienced excellent communication with her. That gave me a peace of mind. She handled the case with a lot of effort to achieve the best possible outcome for me.
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka
Impeccable service
5.0 stars
Posted by Eric
December 21, 2021
I’ve reached out to a handful of lawyers regarding a quit claim deed for my mother in the Pinellas area and none seemed helpful or understood what was needed until I reached out to Aga. Her professionalism, patience, and ability to listen to our needs was exceptional and without hesitation, took our case and followed through until the records were official. It was so seamless we hired her for trustee/will creation and the service was no different. She’s personable, explains everything in detail and that we can understand, and easy to work with. I highly recommend Aga for your legal needs, she’s delivers!
Needed Review!!
5.0 stars
Posted by Lopan
December 20, 2021
I wanted all eyes to see this review! Thanking Attorney Aga for representing me. I had spoken with several know-it-all, inpatient, aggressive attorneys, before being blessed with Attorney Aga. My situation would have went down hill without Attorney Aga patience, research, diligence and hard work to make my dream of becoming a citizen come true.
This is an exceptional lawyer.
Pan Lo
Traffic Ticket
5.0 stars
Posted by Hicham
December 2, 2021
The best lawyer I ever hired, I was so impressed with the communication and how my case was handled. I had hired lawyers in past regarding my traffic tickets and never got a favorable results. However, Agnieszka did it. Highly recommend, I will definitely do all my legal matters with her and recommend her to all my family and friends.
Very pleasant, thorough and communicative experience.
5.0 stars
Posted by Mario Mlotkowski
November 29, 2021
Agnieszka is very professional, resourceful, knowledgeable, responsive and trustworthy. It's so good to have such a valued person to help with legal matters close by. Highly recommend, A+
Alfred JR
5.0 stars
Posted by Alfred
November 24, 2021
I hired Agnieszka to create my revocable living trust. She is a very thorough, competent, efficient and caring professional, who made the whole process very easy, always having my best interests in mind. It is my immense privilege to recommend Agnieszka to anyone looking for a quality lawyer.
5.0 stars
Posted by Jadwiga
November 17, 2021
My husband and I have hired Mrs. Piasecka to help us plan out our trust. She was very professional, patient, and knowledgeable. She has made the process easy and stress free for us. She took her time in explaining all the details involved. I would highly recommend her services to any of my family and friends.
Great representative
5.0 stars
Posted by Paul
November 15, 2021
Needed immediate help where time was of the essence..reaching out to this attorney got me just exactly the help I needed.
Excellent Attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Greta
November 15, 2021
It was such a great pleasure working with Agnieszka Piasecka. She is ver professional, trustworthy and extremely timely. If we require services in the future, Agnieszka will have our business, without a second thought. We highly recommend her.
Excellent service! Very professional!
5.0 stars
Posted by Nate
October 14, 2021
Highly recommend! We needed an attorney to assist with my wife's Green Card application and interview. She assisted us through each step of the process. She was very responsive to the many questions we had along the way. Even sat waiting hours with us to have the interview. We can't say enough amazing things about her professionalism and attentiveness with our case. We will definitely use her services with our next immigration needs.
Excellent lawyer- 2nd time getting her help.
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
October 14, 2021
Would recommend to anyone that needs a lawyer in the area. Anyone that speaks polish and needs help, give her a call!
5.0 stars
Posted by Roxana
October 10, 2021
The attorney Agnieszka Piasecka prepared us an Estate Planning Portfolio. She took her time to explain everything thoroughly. We highly recommend her professional, friendly and fast service.
Excellent attorney.
5.0 stars
Posted by Susan L
October 10, 2021
We used Agnieszka for our estate planning . She is extremely knowledgeable, responsive, reasonably priced and accurate. She and her staff are superb!
5.0 stars
Posted by Eva
October 3, 2021
W przypadku rozwodu - skuteczna, szybka i profesionalna. Jeśli nie przekracza twoich możliwości finansowych, polecam z czystym sumieniem.
Profesjonalność, adwokat godny polecenia .
5.0 stars
Posted by Anita
October 1, 2021
Jestem pod wielkim wrażeniem profesjonalności i wiedzy Pani Agnieszki. Pani Agnieszka pomogła mi odnależć sie w sprawie rozwodowej , pokazując nie tylko swoją merytoryczną wiedzę, fachowość, niesamowitą intuicję i serce jakie ma zawodu, który wykonuje. Znajomość języka polskiego Pani Agnieszki pozwoliło mi lepiej rozumieć prawo obowiązujące na Florydzie. Dziekuję i gorąco polecam.
I would highly recommend
5.0 stars
Posted by JG
September 8, 2021
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka is the best attorney that we have ever worked with. Her professionalism and legal expertise are impressive! She was very professional , explained step by step all. She was great to work with, very knowledgeable and provided good insights to setting up our wills and trust. I would highly recommend her as she's a caring and efficient counselor.
Agnieszka Piasecka to najlepszy adwokat, z jakim kiedykolwiek współpracowaliśmy. Jej profesjonalizm i wiedza prawnicza robią wrażenie! Była bardzo profesjonalna, wszystko wyjaśniła krok po kroku. Świetnie się z nią pracowało. Gorąco polecam jej usługi, ponieważ jest troskliwym i skutecznym doradcą.
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
August 12, 2021
She did a really good job. Will hire her again. Good service, really enjoyed working with her.
Highly recommend
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
July 4, 2021
Very professional! Helped me obtain Polish citizenship. Would answer any questions I have in a timely manner!
passionate & hardworking
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
May 25, 2021
Agnieszka Piasecka is passionate dedicated professional. I've hired lawyers before, but Agnieszka is truly the best I've ever worked with. Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the amazing legal work she did on my behalf!
Excellent professional
5.0 stars
Posted by Elisy
May 24, 2021
Agnieszka is an amazing professional. She is knowledgeable, professional, friendly, efficient and many more qualities. She helped me with immigration paper work and answered all the questions I had. If I ever need a layer, she is the one. She went above and beyond my expectations!!!
Very professional and knowledgeable
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
May 18, 2021
I loved to work with Agnieszka.She helped me to get my Green card. She is very professional and responsible. Any questions that I was having at any time of the day she would give me a response very quick. She is someone who is very easy to work with. I am happy I hired her, and would recommend her always! She is the best
Agnieszka : Amazing service and dedicated lawyer - my feedback
5.0 stars
Posted by Sunil
May 12, 2021
Hello All, I hired Agnieszka for immigrating my wife and daughter from India to USA. Our case was carefully handled by Aga. We got their visa stamped last week April 2020.
It was a long road mired with 221G requests and responses. Aga helped us thru those responses and preparations for interview.
Aga went above and beyond to reach out to the consulate in mumbai to expediate our case.
I would recommend Aga's services to all those who are seeking an experienced, passionate and success driven lawyer.
Date: May 12th 2021
Sunil G Kankure
Best Lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Adrian
May 4, 2021
Agnieszka was easy to work with and took all the hassle out of navigating immigration laws.
5.0 stars
Posted by Ola
April 22, 2021
Z całego serca polecam Panią Agnieszkę. Dzięki jej ciężkiej pracy, zaangażowaniu oraz empatii pomogła mi w skomplikowanym procesie sądowym który ciągnął się bardzo długo . Oby więcej takich profesjonalistów !
5.0 stars
Posted by Eva
April 21, 2021
I was very happy with her services. She's very knowledgeable and friendly! She helped me a lot. I would recommend her to anyone.
Great Service - Highly Recommended
5.0 stars
Posted by Peter
March 25, 2021
Hired attorney
Great experience setting up some legal documents for my aging parents. Aga was very professional, responding to our inquiries quickly and providing all documents with details explanations. The process was efficient and we felt very safe in the office with everyone taking my parents age into consideration and taking all Covid precautions. I would highly recommend Aga's firm for your legal needs in Florida or for any legal matters related to assets in Poland.
Received PR card in Mar 2021.
5.0 stars
Posted by Nirmal
March 15, 2021
Hired attorney
We applied for permanent resident card and work authorization permit with help of attorney Agnieszka. Applied in april 2020 and received or card in Mar 2021. She was very helpful in entire process and also present at the time of PR interview. Due to covid-19 there was some delay from Uscis side but attorney Agnieszka was inquiring immigration office few times and kept us informed about progress. We are thankful for all her help and definitely recommend her for any immigration issues or filing.
5.0 stars
Posted by Sara
March 12, 2021
Hired attorney
Ms. Piasecka, provided the best assistance I could of ever expected. Since day one, all my calls and emails were replied to within a short time. She shared her knowledge and knew precisely what I would need to succeed in my case. I highly recommend her.
Moja Pani Mecenas:)
5.0 stars
Posted by Malgorzata
March 8, 2021
Hired attorney
Pani Agnieszko nigdy nie zapomne jak Pani poprowadzila moja “ ciezka” sprawe rozwodowa.
Dziekuje Pani za profesjonalizm i zaangazowanie 100-Stu procentowe.
Excellent Service
5.0 stars
Posted by Pawel
February 22, 2021
Hired attorney
My family and I worked with Agnieszka Piasecka on completing and submitting important family legal matters. She is very knowledgeable in her field of expertise, professional and provided quick response to all questions. I highly recommend her services. It has been a pleasure working with her and if I ever need her services again I'll be sure to contact her and ask again for assistance. Thank you.
US Immigration Citizenship Application
5.0 stars
Posted by Ron
January 19, 2021
Hired attorney
I recently retained Agnieszka Piasecka Esq to help me with US Citizenship application and interview. During the interview, Ms. Piasecka was extremely helpful and assisted me in clarifying the questions. I would have not received my citizenship if not for her help.
Retire, live in Fl
5.0 stars
Posted by Elzbieta
January 15, 2021
Hired attorney
We need to make a apostille authorization which will be used in Poland. She did fantastic job with sending it to Poland. Very professional and polite > It was a pleasure to find Agnieszka Piasecka and make the deal.
we are very happy.
Agnieszka Piasecka, Esq review
5.0 stars
Posted by Darius
January 6, 2021
Hired attorney
We have recently retained Agnieszka Piasecka, Esq to establish a Revocable Living Trust in Florida and to update our wills and POA documents.
We found her to be an outstanding professional, highly knowledgeable and skilled in various legal matters. She is very personable and reliable.
We would highly recommend her services.
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka
Fantastic experience
5.0 stars
Posted by Zenon
December 18, 2020
Hired attorney
She was extremely knowledgeable and we highly recommend to our friends. She was easy, friendly and professional to communicate with. We were very happy with our experience and highly recommend.
5.0 stars
Posted by Alexander
November 11, 2020
Consulted attorney
I had a consultation with Agnieszka about the immigration of my wife to the United States. She was incredibly helpful, knowledgeable, and clear at communicating subtle points about the general process that made me feel a lot more comfortable. I would highly recommend her services to anyone that needs help with immigration law.
Professional, knowledgeable lawyer.
5.0 stars
Posted by Piotr and Teresa Walio
November 10, 2020
Hired attorney
We have hired Agnieszka Piasecka in 2020 to help as close a real estate sale, because we were dealing with very difficult buyer. We are happy to say that she took charge of the situation and help us quickly close the deal.
She is very professional, reliable and very decisive.
We would definitely use her service again and strongly recommend her to others.
Piotr and Teresa
5.0 stars
Posted by Jozef
November 5, 2020
Consulted attorney
Bardzo dobrze I sprawnie poprowadzona sprawa za co Bardzo dziekuje Polecam uslugi Pani adwokat.
Excellent experience!
5.0 stars
Posted by JB
October 27, 2020
Hired attorney
Couldn't have asked for a better experience. Agnieszka (Aga) prepared a trust and living wills for myself and my wife. She answered my questions directly and honestly, worked quickly and made this a very pleasant experience. Her pricing was more than fair and she continues to assist in all matters relating to this. Her attitude and professionalism are top-notch! She even answers my phone calls! LOL I completely recommend Agnieszka Piasecka as an attorney. I will be using her services again.
Knowledgable and Professional
5.0 stars
Posted by Renata
October 27, 2020
Hired attorney
Ms. Piasecka came highly recommended and she exceeded our expectations. She was a pleasure to work with; answering all of our questions carrying us through our legal paperwork with ease. It was a great experience. I would highly recommend her services.
5.0 stars
Posted by Anna
October 23, 2020
Hired attorney
Agnieszka was always very prompt with her responses, answered calls/emails within seconds. The entire process was quick and easy. Would highly recommend!
Simply great professional!
5.0 stars
Posted by Nikoloz
October 16, 2020
Hired attorney
Aga is an exceptionally knowledgeable professional who is very patient, does not rush you and takes time to answer your questions. She provides you with solid guidance and makes sure there are no questions left unanswered! Overall the whole process from contacting to completing requested estate documents was extremely smooth. Will be definitely recommending to my friends.
Excellent Estate Planning
5.0 stars
Posted by Marek
October 11, 2020
Hired attorney
Me and my wife engaged Mrs. Agnieszka Piasecka, Esq. of Agnieszka Piasecka Law, PLLC to prepare for us a revocable living trust, certificate of trust, quitclaim deed as well as last wills and testaments.
Mrs. Piasecka offered invaluable legal advice and guided us seamlessly through entire process of preparing all documents. Mrs. Piasecka is deeply knowledgeable and patient. We would highly recommend services offered by Mrs. Agnieszka Piasecka.
Fantastic alround Lawyer.
5.0 stars
Posted by Roman
September 17, 2020
Hired attorney
I have used Agnieszka for completing my will, POA and in handling a traffic ticket. She was able to assist me in the traffic ticker defense, which was successful. I have referred others to her, and all feedback and reactions have been positive. She is very thorough, organized and knowledgeable. She also is prompt and returns calls in a timely manner.
Excellent attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Rimante
September 17, 2020
Consulted attorney
Agnieszka is an excellent attorney. She is very knowledgeable, sincere, friendly and responsive, and guides you through every case step, always goes above and beyond in order to achieve the best for the client. She handles the cases in a very professional manner. I would highly recommend Agnieszka without any hesitation!
Traffic points waived
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
September 4, 2020
Hired attorney
Agnieszka was very helpful. She took my case even though she works in Clearwater and the court case was in Bradenton. Also she kept me updated on my case and was able to get the points taken off my ticket. She also got a six month extension for the payment on the ticket. I would recommend her service.
Excellent Estate Lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Sean
September 4, 2020
Consulted attorney
I had Agnieszka prepare several documents for me, including a will, a trust and a Healthcare Surrogate document. She has been extremely professional, attentive and flexible. A couple of years later, I had some adjustments to make. She has always been a fantastic advocate. She will be representing my family, and I would certainly recommend her to anyone I know.
5.0 stars
Posted by Ewa
August 22, 2020
Consulted attorney
M/s Piasecka was very professional, very helpful, very competent in providing me with her service as the notary public. The matter was slightly complex and M/s Piasecka did her best to overcome the difficulties to conduct the case to the fruitful closure. Additionally her knowledge of polish language made her an unique attorney to deal with this matter in polish language. I was very fortunate to have found her in Florida.
Very Easy to Work With
5.0 stars
Posted by Cindy
August 22, 2020
Hired attorney
We had our estate planning completed and she made the process very quick and easy. She was great to work with and I will use her again should the need arise.
Real Estate Transaction Services
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
August 21, 2020
Hired attorney
Agnieszka is very knowledgeable and patient. She took the time to explain the complexities of a real estate transaction as well as being readily available when called upon. I would use her services in the future.
Mr. Michael Broniewski
5.0 stars
Posted by Michael
August 8, 2020
Hired attorney
It took me years to find a lawyer to help me acquire Polish citizenship through lineage and Mrs. Piasecka came through. I can not say it was easy and you had to have patience, but she was always there, easily accessible by phone and she showed that she cared. Her cost were very reasonable and she was very professional and fair, she became almost like family, I have rehired her to get Polish citizenship for the rest of my family.
Estate Planning
5.0 stars
Posted by Ivanka
July 27, 2020
Hired attorney
Agnieszka Piasecka Esq. did a will, living will and medical power of attorney for my husband and I. She answered all our questions and everything was done in a short period of time. She also gave us good explanation and good advice about trust. We will hire her to do that for us too.
5.0 stars
Posted by Caroline
June 26, 2020
Hired attorney
Agnieszka was amazing. She was always fast to reply and knowledgeable. Excellent Customer service and helpful.
Strongly recommend Agnieszka
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
May 26, 2020
Hired attorney
Agnieszka was very professional and helped me solve my legal issues. She always responded to my emails/calls in a reasonable time. Her communication is very clear and I was able to meet my tight deadlines. Thank you very much for such a great service, I would strongly recommend Agnieszka.
Very professional with great communication during process
5.0 stars
Posted by Darin
May 12, 2020
Hired attorney
Having never enlisted services to put together a living will, I was hoping the process would be fairly straight forward. Agnieszka was very patient and communicated with me throughout the entire process as this service fell into the time period of the Chinese Wuhan Flu pandemic. Once we did meet, the process was well explained and done in a professional manner. Could not be more pleased with my choice and would recommend to anyone needing similar services.
Excellent experience and results
5.0 stars
Posted by Albert
April 26, 2020
Hired attorney
Aga was great to work with. She is very knowledgeable and provided good insights to setting up our wills, and Estate with Trust. I would highly recommend her as she's a caring and efficient counselor.
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
March 17, 2020
Consulted attorney
I met professional lawyer Agnieszka Piasecka a few years ago,i.e. about 4 yeara. Whenever I turned to Her for legal advice, I could always count on professionalism and commitment. Despite the burden of current affairs. She always found time to help or lead Her case. Her personality in dealing with the clients (in this case it concerns me and people,whom I recommended Mrs A. Piasecka, was impeccable! I would like to other lawyers to serve the same level of professionalism and friendliness. Thank You Mrs Agnieszka Piasecka so much! Christopher from Naples Fl.
The best attorney i have had
5.0 stars
Posted by Guilherme
March 17, 2020
Hired attorney
She is always available for her clients!! I think I bothered her a lot and she was always there for me to help me! Thanks Aga, always will recommend you!
Very good attorney.
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
February 29, 2020
Hired attorney
I am glad that I choosed attorney Agnieszka Piasecki.
I highly recommend this attorney.
No problem with anything.
She knows everything what You want to know to get Creen Card by marriage with US Citizen.
Waiting for Green Card. Thank You.
Preparation of legal dokuments
5.0 stars
Posted by Grazyna
February 26, 2020
Hired attorney
Duza wiedza prawnicza, takt i kultura osobista . p.Agnieszka przygotowala mi wszystkie potrzebne dokumenty, wyjasnila wszystkie kwiestie prawne z tym zwiazane i odpowidziala na wszelkie moje pytania zwiazane z tym zagadnieniem. Uzyskalam w pelni fachowa porade i odebralam przygotowane dokumenty. W pelni polecam zaangazowanie p.Agnieszki w profesjonalne zalatwianie wszelkich spraw wymagajacych dobrego i solidnego adwokata.
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
February 25, 2020
Consulted attorney
Bardzo polecam pania Agnieszke ktora udzilila mi bardzo wyczerpujacej konsultacji .
Profesjonalna , mila i szybki odezw
Dziekuje bardzo
bardzo pomocna odpowiedzialna osoba
5.0 stars
Posted by Wojtek
February 21, 2020
Consulted attorney
polecam pania mecenas jest to odpowiedzialna konkretna pani udzielila mi bardzo cennych informacji za ktore jestem jej bardzo wdzieczny
The best service anyone could ask for
5.0 stars
Posted by Yuliya
February 17, 2020
Hired attorney
I have used Agnieszka’s services through my Hyatt Legal plan. When others wouldn’t even return my call, she called me back the same day, consulted over the phone and got my case going. She was very professional, responsive and thorough from start to finish. She was very diligent, drafted a motion that even a judge complimented her on, and represented me in traffic court winning the case with ease. I’d definitely recommend her services and will use again if I ever need to.
Awesome experience
5.0 stars
Posted by Crystal
February 10, 2020
Hired attorney
Awesome experience getting my trust, living will and a few other affairs in order. Agnieszka was always available for questions, and had our documents done in less than a week. I would absolutely recommend her services!
Real Estate
5.0 stars
Posted by andy
January 31, 2020
Hired attorney
Pani Mecenas Agnieszka Piasecka pomagala mi w kupnie mieszkania na Florydzie nie mialem zadnych problemow odpowiadala na kazdy telefon doradzala pisala emaile polecam wszystkim uprzejma wszystko wytlumaczy po polsku lub angielsku.
Helped with Green Card application and interview preparation.
5.0 stars
Posted by Angelika
January 14, 2020
Hired attorney
Me and my wife needed help with filling out the green card application through marriage, collecting the necessary documents and preparing us for the interview. Agnieszka was very helpful, she was always available either by phone or email. She prepared, checked and send all the documents. Her fee is very reasonable. We didn't need the lawyer to go with us for the interview, but she prepared us for it very well and we nailed it.
It was a pleasure to work with Agnieszka. I definitely recommend her.
Thank you.
Great great attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Ezekiel
January 11, 2020
Hired attorney
I needed assistance in my case and Aga handled my case. She was so helpful in the entire process and the results speak for themselves. I highly recommend her services. I dont know what I wpuld have done without all her advice. She went above and beyond what I was expecting.
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
Living trust
5.0 stars
Posted by Helen
January 10, 2020
Hired attorney
Agnieszka was very caring and compassionate, yet professional. I felt very comfortable with her and trusted that she had my best interest at heart. I would highly recommend Agnieszka!
5.0 stars
Posted by Izabela
January 10, 2020
Hired attorney
Z czystym sumieniem polecam usługi Pani Mecenas Agnieszki Piaseckiej. Szybko, sprawnie i bezproblemowo pomogła mi w załatwieniu spraw spadkowych. Z Panią Mecenas zawsze miałam doskonały kontakt e-mailowy i telefoniczny. Dziękuję.
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
Hired attorney
Great Attorney!
5.0 stars
Posted by Henryka
January 3, 2020
Consulted attorney
I consulted Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka about my immigration issue. She gave me a great advice that helped me finalize my case smoothly and timely. She has a lot of knowledge and experience in the immigration matters. I would definitely seek her advice again if the need be and I recommend her to everyone!
This review is from a potential client who consulted with this attorney.
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka
5.0 stars
Posted by Mario
December 13, 2019
Hired attorney Agnieszka jest bardzo dobrym i uczciwym adwokatem ,moja sprawę poprowadziła bardzo profesjonalnie.
Mówi jak jest nie obiecuje tylko wykonuje swoją pracę .
Bardzo polecam ,
5.0 stars
Posted by Dorota
December 12, 2019
Hired attorney Agnieszka Piasecka helped me with a closing.
I'm out of state Florida and unfamiliar with Florida real estate law.
I absolutely recomend her.
She is very helpful and professional.
Muchas Gracias a la Abogada Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka
5.0 stars
Posted by Jose
December 3, 2019
Hired attorney
Muchas Gracias a la Abogada Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka por ayudar a mi esposa con los trámites necesarios para hacerse ciudadana Americana. Aga es una Exelente Abogada! Muy profesional, honesta y sincera. Cada paso del camino recibí una exelente atención. Aga entiende muy bien el proceso de inmigración porque ella emigró a los Estados Unidos. Aga es muy amable y todos sus casos son importante para ella. Siempre responde personalmente a tus llamadas y mensajes y toma tiempo para contestar cualquier pregunta. La recomiendo porque es una gran Abogada, y una gran Persona
5.0 stars
Posted by Barbara
November 6, 2019
Consulted attorney
I highly recommend Agnieszka Piasecka law service. Recently I needed some attorney`s council and I got it from Agnieszka. I appreciate her professionalism, honesty and discretion. Pleasure to work with Mrs. Piasecka. Thank you.
Knowledge, professionalism, courtesy
5.0 stars
Posted by Kazimierz
October 20, 2019
Hired attorney
I consulted Ms. Piasecka several times in various matters – her assistance and advice were always perfectly precise, leading to positive results. Ms. Piasecka established a trust / last will documents on my behalf to my full satisfaction and recognition of her knowledge, professionalism and courtesy. I recommend Ms. Piasecka's services the most highly and without any reserve.
Positive Experience
5.0 stars
Posted by Adam
September 23, 2019
Hired attorney
Aga is fantastic to work with, she was able to help me navigate some personal legal challenges within a short time frame to help draft and execute a prenup agreement. She was very thorough and offered sound advice and legal suggestion, always responding to my calls and e-mails in a timely manner and making herself personally available as needed.
I found Aga through my work-related legal plan, she was close in proximity to my office and had very positive reviews, which I now understand why. I will definitely continue to use Aga as my counsel in my ongoing and future legal needs.
Real help
5.0 stars
Posted by Mark
September 17, 2019
Hired attorney
W czasach,kiedy bezkrytyczny kult mamony całkowicie zdominował nasze codzienne życie,stało się niemal niemożliwością dociekać sprawiedliwości bez sumiennego adwokata.Stad tez niezliczona ilość wszelkiego rodzaju reklam i świecących bilboardow,gdzie tylko okiem sięgniemy,związanych z usługami prawniczymi.I tu powstaje problem:jak wybrać tego odpowiedniego,rzetelnego....? Otóż chce w tym miejscu przyjść państwu z pomocą,bo zajęło mi to sporo czasu,ale wynik okazał się jak najbardziej trafny.Pani mecenas Agnieszka Piasecka była tzw. strzałem w 10.Niesamowicie skuteczna,szczera i przede wszystkim ludzka,która dostosowuje się do klienta i jego potrzeb. Jeszcze raz wielkie dzięki. Mark Z.
Kupno mieszkania.
5.0 stars
Posted by Bozena
September 1, 2019
Hired attorney
Pomoc prawna świadczona przez Panią Mecenas Agnieszkę Sylwię Piasecką jest w pełni profesjonalna , z zachowaniem należytej staranności wynikającej przede wszystkim z posiadanej wiedzy prawniczej I doświadczenia . Na chwilę obecną z całą stanowczością poecam Kancelarię Pani Mecenas Agnieszki Sylwi Piaseckiej , jako podmiot w pełni profesjonalny , rzetelny , dotrzymujący zakreślonych terminów , a Panią Mecenas Agnieszkę Piasecką jako fachowca potrafiącego kreatywnie rozwiązywać trudne zagadnienia prawne,
Condo in West Palm Beach Fl
5.0 stars
Posted by Jack
August 29, 2019
Hired attorney
I used this firm to do a recent closing, and she did a great job. They handled all issues that popped up from both myself & the seller, and really went above and beyond to accommodate some weird timing issues I had. The whole process went seamlessly and the required minimum (if any) effort on my end. Definitely recommended
Agnieszka Piasecki
5.0 stars
Posted by Marian
August 21, 2019
Hired attorney
Agnieszka Piasecka did the Last Will and Testament for me.I am very happy.She did her job very professionly and explained everything to me.She is also nice and kind person.It was pleasure working with Agnieszka Piasecka.
Revocable Living Trust
5.0 stars
Posted by Marianna
August 15, 2019
Hired attorney
I met Ms.Agnieszka Piasecki when I moved to Florida and I was looking for a Polish speaking lawyer. Ms.Agnieszka Piasecki is very professional and knowledgeable.She spend as much time as I needed to better understand the whole process of the Living Trust, and above all, she is a very nice and kind person.I highly recommend attorney Agnieszka Piasecki .
Wonderful Experience
5.0 stars
Posted by Marianna
August 9, 2019
Hired attorney
I would not hesitate to utilize Attorney Piasecka in the future. I utilized her services to set up a trust and she was extremely timely with the paperwork and responsive when I reached out with questions.
Agnieszka Sylwia Piasecka great lawyer.
5.0 stars
Posted by Izabela
July 29, 2019
Consulted attorney
I am very satisfied Agnieszka Sylwia Piasecka She was well informed and smart. She was also helpful and kind. I would recommend her to my family and friends.
Excellent Attorney!
5.0 stars
Posted by Yola K
July 29, 2019
Hired attorney
Ms. Piasecka has been absolutely wonderful to work with. She went above and beyond to help me. She is friendly and very professional with outstanding attention to details! I would very highly recommend this attorney!
Attorney at law
5.0 stars
Posted by Lena
July 28, 2019
Hired attorney
She was very professional , took care of me and my case in the most efficient way and explained step by step process
Highly recommended! An asset to her profession.
5.0 stars
Posted by Christian
July 25, 2019
Hired attorney
I had a great experience with Attorney Piasecka. I recently reached out to her regarding a traffic citation as I was concerned in how this would impact my license and my insurance payments.
From first contact to resolution, her approach was exemplary — showing great care, diligence, and knowledge.
She represented me in court. Throughout the process, she was great at communicating what has happening and keeping me updated (court dates, status updates, etc), and made me feel at ease and in good hands with her expertise.
She ensured no points were assessed to my driver's license (my main concern), and ultimately saved me time and money.
I consider her a credit to the legal profession, and I will be recommending her to my friends, family and colleagues.
the best attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
July 14, 2019
Hired attorney
Agnieszka Piasecka helped me with my immigration case. She is very professional lawyer. Also she is nice, friendly, and hard working person. Great contact (phone, mail)- quick answers. I highly recommend Ms. Agnieszka to anyone seeking a good attorney. I will hire her again if I ever need lawyer in the future.
She is the best
5.0 stars
Posted by Helena
June 29, 2019
Consulted attorney
Doradzila i zrobila trust super polecam.Jest bardzo uprzejma i konkretna wszystko wytlumaczy po polsku lub po angielsku
Dziekujemy Pani Agnieszko.
Retrieved my Birth Certificate from Poland
5.0 stars
Posted by Hadassah
June 25, 2019
Hired attorney
It was a pleasure working with Agnieszka Piasecka. I live in Boca Raton, Florida & I was seeking a lawyer that was fluent in both Polish & English language - I needed to retrieve my Polish birth certificate & was limited in time so I needed someone who had connection with the Polish gov’t. I came across Agnieszka Piasecka & I drive 4 hrs to meet her in her office. From the first moment I met her I knew I was in the right place. She is very professional in every way. She got the job done in less than 4 weeks. I am very happy with her work & recommend her very highly - Thank You for a job well done. I will forever be great full to you.
Attorney Piasecka
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
June 20, 2019
Hired attorney
I went in for Citizenship assistance and she was very professional and helpful. I highly recommended, and would definitely come back for other services she provides.
Excellent Service!
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
June 18, 2019
Hired attorney
My husband and I had a lot of questions regarding trusts, wills, etc. Ms. Piasecka did not charge us for the first consultation, even though she gave us much more than one hour of her time. Next visit was paid, but she charged us for one hour only and again, gave us much more time than we signed up for. She was patient, gentle, and most of all, professional. Her knowledge of the areas we needed to cover is amazing. She explained all very well (in perfect Polish) and prepared all documents that we needed.
She also helped us finding information on topics that were not precisely within her field.
Experienced, efficient, and knowledgeable on practiced law
5.0 stars
Posted by Thaddeus
June 16, 2019
Hired attorney
Agnieszka provided excellent service for our revocable trust that will avoid probate of our real estate assets. She guided us with a wealth of knowledge from her experience as well as current court actions. Other past attorney did not provide the kind of detailed consultation and advice that Agnieszka gave us. We were satisfied with the 1 week revisions we required and the results we received. Thank you for the service.
Wspanialy Adwokat
5.0 stars
Posted by Alicja
June 15, 2019
Hired attorney
Agnieszka Piasecka jest Adwokatem ktorego goraco polecam. Byla punktualna, wytlumaczyla, poradzila ,odpowiedziala na nasze wszystkie pytania I w wyznaczonym terminie zrealizowala nasze zamowienie. Ma profesjonalne podejscie do klienta ale jednoczesnie jest usmiechnieta, otwarta I bardzo zainteresowana aby jej klient byl w 100% zadowolony.
Kazdy z naszej Polskiej gromadki potrzebujacy pomocy solidnego prawnika powinien tylko korzystac z fachowej I rzetelnej pomocy Adwokat Piaseckiej. Gwarantuje satysfakcje.
You are a beautiful person and a very professional lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
June 5, 2019
Consulted attorney
On behalf of us all, I would like to thank you for your great effort with Monika that finally led to her getting the US citizenship. You were great in your professionalism and kindness from our first meeting and throughout the process including going over the questions with my wife the night before the interview and being there with her on the big day. Once again, we thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts and we truly appreciate all of your efforts. You are a beautiful person and a very professional lawyer.
Warm regards,
Khairy Beshara
Film Director
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
June 1, 2019
Hired attorney
I highly recommend Attorney Agnieszka Very professional and Very professional and personable. I was very pleased with Agnieszka's services.
Excellent attorney!
5.0 stars
Posted by Grazyna
May 30, 2019
Hired attorney
We hired Agnieszka to help us with a very difficult legal matter and she far exceeded our expectations. She consistently kept us up to date on the progress of our case, explained everything in a way we could easily understand and was able to achieve a great result for us. She promptly and personally returned all our calls and was very easy to get a hold of and talk to - unlike other attorneys we previously dealt with. We were very pleasantly surprised with Agnieszka’s service and will definitely use her again and recommend her to all our friends and family.
Świetny prawnik
5.0 stars
Posted by Agnes
April 29, 2019
Hired attorney
Miałam okazję współpracować z p.Agnieszką przy intercyzie i szczerze ją polecam. Bardzo dobry kontakt (tel., mail, spotkania ). Szybkie odpowiedzi. Szczera, przesympatyczna osoba. Dużo mi pomogła i jestem jej za to wdzięczna.
Roof under warranty
5.0 stars
Posted by Patricia Wells
April 21, 2019
Hired attorney
Roof was under warranty. Started leaking water coming thru ceiling. Called roofing company numerous times. Could not get a call back nor an appointment with the girls in the office. Had different types of mold. Contacted Ms. Piasecka sent pictures of my ceiling and the attempts I made. She sent a letter to the roofing company. The company came out and redid the roof.
The best attorney in Florida!
5.0 stars
Posted by Natalia
April 21, 2019
Hired attorney
I highly recommend Agnieszka to anyone, who wants to hire the best attorney in Florida. She is wonderful to work with and truly cares for her clients. She is brilliant and knowledgeable about the law. She has two legal degrees - Polish and American, and fluently speaks 3 languages! What a difference in compare to other attorneys!
Absolutely awesome
5.0 stars
Posted by Robert
April 20, 2019
Hired attorney
When other attorneys told me they couldn't help me. She was able to. For six months I tried to get the insurance company to fix my car. She was to get results in weeks.
5.0 stars
Posted by Renata
April 1, 2019
Hired attorney
Ms. Piasecka prepared for me Durable Power of Attorney, Living Will, Health Care Surrogate, but most important to me Life Estate Quitclaim Deed. She gave me an excellent advise, answered all my questions quickly and to the point. She is very professional, business like but easy going nature, so I felt very comfortable discussing my personal problems with her. I will definitely recommend her to all may friends and neighbors and anyone who is reading this post.
Atty Piasecka
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
February 14, 2019
Hired attorney
Atty Piasecka is very knowledgeable in American and Polish law and regulations. She was very helpful, friendly and punctual. I was able to accomplish my case.
Excellent Attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Wieslawa
February 14, 2019
Hired attorney
Agnieszka is a very knowledgeable and competent attorney. She provided me with advise on living trust and explained the benefits of setting up it all makes sense.. Thank you Agnieszka!
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
January 31, 2019
Hired attorney
My experience with Ms Piasecka has been absolutely great. I have consulted with her regarding a family matter and decided to hire her right away. Her knowledge and attention to details is amazing. She is also very easy to talk to, empathetic and warm. I would highly recommend her.
We Highly Recommend Agnieszka Piasecka
5.0 stars
Posted by Terry
January 8, 2019
Hired attorney
After procrastinating for years and not working on our much-needed estate plan, my husband and I finally contacted an attorney to begin the process. We did our usual “internet research” and decided to call Agnieszka Piasecka. We had no idea how lucky we were in our selection until we began to work with her. Our first contact with Ms. Piasecka was over the phone. Yes, she actually answered the phone and returned every phone call thereafter. What’s more, she was very patient to explain our options, answered many (many) questions and never once made us feel uncomfortable about our lack of legal knowledge on the matters we discussed. She carefully led us through every consideration, took a true interest in understanding our wishes and drafted a total estate plan package that fit us perfectly. When we finally met her in person to complete everything, the interaction was amazing. She wasn’t looking for a bunch of “billable hours” to complete the effort. In fact, she even took the time to meet with us while everyone else was gone and preparing for the Christmas holiday. She went above and beyond what I ever expected from an attorney. She took the stress out of the process and I would work with her again in a heartbeat. If you need an exceptional estate planning attorney, look no further – Agnieszka Piasecka will not disappoint you.
Quick and efficient
5.0 stars
Posted by Sara
January 8, 2019
Hired attorney
I was able to get all of my questions answered and my issue resolved quickly in court. I would recommend this laywer to friends.
Excellent service
5.0 stars
Posted by Margaret
January 7, 2019
Hired attorney
Agnieszka has been excellent for us. She has shown than not only is she very competent with extended knowileage in her field, but her comitment to our case was amazing. We have been extremely well looked after by her, she has always been there for us, I am sure she spent more time on our case, then she charges us for. We would recommend her services without any hesitation.
Porada prawna- opinia
5.0 stars
Posted by Piotr
January 5, 2019
Hired attorney
Pani Piasecka jest świetnym a co ważniejsze bardzo skutecznym prawnikiem. W mojej sprawie zachowała się bardzo profesjonalnie i spełniła moje oczekiwania.
Jestem z jej pracy bardzo zadowolony i polecam wszystkim.
Piotr M.
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka
Best Legal advise for personal and Family matters
5.0 stars
Posted by Dagmara
December 27, 2018
Hired attorney
I have used Legal Services of Aga Piasecka for personal planning (trust, will, medical directive, etc.) as well as family law matters (custody, parental plan, etc.). She always responded quickly and in detail giving great advise. Aga has walked me though everything in detail and I always felt informed and in the loop on the process. I highly recommend her services. Thanks to her I was able to navigate a stressful situation quickly, efficiently and with reduced stress.
Highly recommend
5.0 stars
Posted by Marlena
December 16, 2018
Hired attorney
Agnieszka went beyond and above of what I had expected from an attorney. After few bad experiences I was very happy I had fount her. She prepared my will in a very timely manner and was always available whenever I had a question.
Kind and professional lawyer in Clearwater
5.0 stars
Posted by Joanna
December 14, 2018
Hired attorney
I retained Ms.Piasecka for my divorce case. She gave me first consultation for free and was very professional. She explained everything to me and answered all my questions. She also was kind and pleasant as a person which is very important. She called me before each appointment to make sure I remember to be there and overall I was just very pleased. I would highly recommend her.
Highly Recommended Lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Jason
November 18, 2018
Hired attorney
I retained Aga to represent me during a foreclosure case. Aga was diligent, hard working, quick to respond, and always made herself available when questions or concerns arose. Aga is extremely knowledgeable in this area of her practice and was able to clearly explain each step of the process, potential outcomes, and what to expect. She was able to develop a defense which resulted in a waiver of deficiency in my case which was beyond my hopes and expectations. I highly recommend Aga and would most definitely retainer her again or refer her to others.
A 5+ Star professional
5.0 stars
Posted by Pedro
November 8, 2018
Hired attorney
We met Agnieszka at her office to get Wills and other documents we needed to get in order. Agnieszka was puntual and dressed professionally. She was well prepared and explained all the forms in a detailed manner, also answered all of our questions. She is not only an attorney but, also a very nice, friendly and parient lady.. I would definitely recommend using her services and we will certainly use her again in the future.
Personal opinion
5.0 stars
Posted by Richard
November 7, 2018
Consulted attorney
Ms Piasecka is very professional , great communication , absolutely helpful
I highly recommend Agnieszka Piasecka!
5.0 stars
Posted by Katarzyna
November 7, 2018
Hired attorney
I highly recommend Agnieszka Piasecka to anyone who needs help with solving their legal problems. She is very professional and efficient but at the same time she is just a very nice, caring and understanding person, which makes it much easier to work with her. Agnieszka has an extensive knowledge of legal issues and a lot of experience, both in US and Poland, which helps her understand her client’s needs in a better way. She explored all circumstances and analyzed all possible solutions in order to achieve the results I wanted when I hired her. She helped me in a very complicated legal matter, she did it fast, but never lost sight of giving me the highest quality service. She explained all the legal technicalities in a way I could finally understand. I will definitely hire her again, if I need a legal advice in a future.
Excellent and professional service!
5.0 stars
Posted by Lucja
October 30, 2018
Hired attorney
We are very happy with the professional service that Ms. Piasecka provided. She is very knowledgeable and sensitive to our needs. She is punctual, accommodative, and respectful of our time due to our travel. I highly reccommend her, especially that she was able to translate all of our documents and explain to us in Polish.
Excellent attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Ted
October 19, 2018
Hired attorney
Agnieszka was fantastic to work with. She always made time to speak with me directly, she was very knowledgeable and professional throughout the process. I strongly recommend her for your legal needs. I will be using her again for additional legal services for estate planning since my first experience with her went so well.
5.0 stars
Posted by Elzbieta
October 18, 2018
Hired attorney
W mojej sprawie pani mecenas pomogła mi bardzo profesjonalnie. Gorąco polecam. Świetny adwokat.
5.0 stars
Posted by Slawek
October 15, 2018
Hired attorney
I hired attorney Agnieszka Piasecka for my divorce and she was great. Very professional and knowledgeable about the law. She handled my case very well and achieved all my goals. She was always available to talk to me personally and not through assistanants and always throughly explained all my options. I highly recommend this attorney to anyone who is looking to hire an excellent and honest divorce lawyer.
5.0 stars
Posted by Yolanta
October 11, 2018
Hired attorney
The consultation with Ms Piasecka by phone and in person was very efficient, professional and courteous. She is a pleasure to work with due to her knowledge and personality. I will come back to her with my future needs for legal assistance and I’ll recommend her services to my friends.
5.0 stars
Posted by Irena
September 30, 2018
Consulted attorney
I would like to thank you Agnieszka Piasecka Attorney-at-Law for her excellent services. She demonstrated professionalism and was very knowledgeable about all the processes, was very responsive to all questions I had. I highly recommend her.
The best divorce attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by A. Lo.
September 29, 2018
Hired attorney
Agnieszka Piasecka is the best attorney! I highly recommend her to everyone who needs a great lawyer, who really cares about her clients. She helped me in a very difficult situation with my divorce and achieved excellent results for me that I didn’t even expect. Agnieszka is very professional, ethical and compassionate. If you need the best divorce attorney you could find, look no further.
Superb Attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Rick
September 26, 2018
Hired attorney
My wife and I hired attorney Agnieszka Piasecka for our estate planning (trust). Ms. Piasecka was extremely knowledgeable and very professional. She was especially nice, and immediately put us at ease and took time to thoroughly explain all of our legal options. She also promptly returned our calls and answered all our questions. Overall, we were very happy with her services and will definitely recommend her to all our friends. We are extremely satisfied with attorney Agnieszka Piasecka!
Wspaniala wspolpraca
5.0 stars
Posted by Anna
September 25, 2018
Hired attorney
Jestem zachwycona wspolpraca z Pania Agnieszka. Mila, bardzo profesjonalna i w ekspresowym tempie odpowiada na wszelkie watpliwosci. Bardzo pomogla nam w procesie o zielona karte. Serdecznie polecam
Trust assistance
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
September 25, 2018
Hired attorney
She and her staff helped me set up trus documents for me and my family and helped me set up a will as well. Aga is very friendly and knowledgeable, she answered all my questions and accommodated to my hard schedule. Every thing was over the email and phone until we met to sign the paperwork. Great big five stars well deserved to Aga and her staff. Will consult with her in the future!
Very professional
5.0 stars
Posted by Agnieszka
September 6, 2018
Consulted attorney
Very nice and professional Bardzo dobry adwokat Mila ,pomocna,odpowiada na kazdy telefon Polecam Polecam wszystkim Polakom z Florydy
Super Attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by Anna
August 28, 2018
Hired attorney
Attorney Aga Piasecka is a lawyer every client wants and should have,and someone I highly recommend.She helped me thru the entire process.She is a very detailed and professional lawyer.She is a good of a person as an attorney. The best lawyer you can have.She speaks different languages.Jestem bardzo zadowolona z Pani Mecenas Aga Piasecka
Best Lawyer Ever!!
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
July 12, 2018
Hired attorney
Agnieszka is such a great lawyer. I did not comprehend many of the immigration papers and terminologies I had to deal with, and she made everything easy to understand. With her tremendous help, my husband became a permanent resident. Now she is helping me with my mom’s citizenship papers. I am so thankful to have her and will 1000% recommend her to everyone, she is an amazing lawyer!
5.0 stars
Posted by Miranda
June 20, 2018
Hired attorney
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka helped in the process of K-1 visa which was successful and my fiance got his Visa. She’s did an excellent job especially when it comes to availability; responding to my phone calls, email and appointments. I highly recommend her. I’m currently looking forward to begin the next step of adjustment of status and will definitely used her and other future legal services.
Definitely Yes!
5.0 stars
Posted by Marek
June 14, 2018
Hired attorney
I am very happy that I found out about Agnieszka Piasecka – I had a big problem with moving my immigration case forward on my own. Then I realized that I could lose it. Fortunately, I just got to Agnieszka Piasecka. She responded very quickly, prepared all the documents and sent, I received copies of all the documents she was preparing. we waited for a reply and finally came, the case was approved. I know that without the help of this lady, I could not see my mother back. I am grateful for all life for the work she has put in my case.
Excellent Lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Asharma
March 31, 2018
Hired attorney
I had a pleasure to hire Ms Agnieszka for my immigration case. I’m very pleased with the outcome and the entire process. She filled all my forms, submitted it on time, was available all the time and responds to any queries on time. She knows her subject and laws pretty well and gives a fair and accurate idea of the case based on current situation. She is also reasonable on the fees as well and works to resolve any issues.
Simply great lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Alice
March 7, 2018
Hired attorney
Attorney Agnieszka is the type of lawyer every client wants and someone I highly recommend. She helped me thru the entire process of marriage, then also thru divorce and on top of that provided me with answers on all type of questions I had like immigration issues etc. She is very detailed and professional lawyer. She is as good of a person as she is an attorney. The best lawyer you can have when you are going through a difficult situation.
The best Attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by shashi
January 29, 2018
Hired attorney
She helped me with an immigration issue, which was giving me really hard time.
I feel so safe and secure to have her my personal attorney. In case of any issues I make a call and she suggested the right thing to do.
She always takes care of her clients interest first rather than looking what will help her business wise. I am really lucky to find such a gem of person as my advisor/attorney. She will always be my attorney.
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka
Profesjonalna adwokat
5.0 stars
Posted by Cezary
December 31, 2017
Hired attorney
Pani Agnieszka bardzo nam pomogła z naszą sprawa imigracyjna. Jest bardzo profesjonalna i miła. Polecam jej usługi.
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
Excellent attorney
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
December 19, 2017
Hired attorney
Aga made the whole process go by like a breeze. She did an amazing job with the case and I will defiantly go to her again.
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
Excellent Job!
5.0 stars
Posted by Vic
December 7, 2017
Hired attorney
Ms. Piasecka was found through a legal service that my wife are members of. She was being asked to handle a small claims court case in Florida. I live in Illinois. She responded to my initial call on the same day. After getting her more details about the case on day 1 she came up with a plan 2 days after that initial call. Agnieszka was willing to speak with me on the phone each time I called. She also made sure I fully understood what was going on each step of the way. By the 5th day after my initial call she was filing motions on my behalf. The case settled quickly. I found Agnieszka to be very friendly, helpful, and concerned. I noticed that she quickly began strategizing on how to handle the case. I would gladly recommend her to any friend needing legal help.
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
BEST attorney in Florida area
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
December 5, 2017
Hired attorney
I hired Agnieszka as my attorney for a case, and I couldn’t be happier with the whole process. She did an excellent job of going step by step explaining the process and taking care of the case. I would hire her again for any future cases, and I even recommend to some friends and they were very pleased with the results.
Immigration green card
5.0 stars
Posted by Joseph
October 14, 2017
Hired attorney
Agnieszka Piasecka an excellent attorney acting in an excellent manner represented us to immigration to receive a green card. We are very satisfied with her professionalism and caring in this matter from start to finish. Consequently, a green card was issued by immigration In timely manner. Thank you attorney AGNIESZKA PIASECKA for all your help in this matter. I would highly recommend AGNIESZKA PIASECKA to anyone needing an excellent lawyer who really cares about her clients. Sincerely, very satisfied client. THANK YOU JESUS (GOD) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This review is from a person who hired this attorney.
Successful overseas immigrant Visas process
5.0 stars
Posted by Hellade & Naiade
September 29, 2017
Hired attorney
Summary: Ms. Agnieszka handled an overseas immigrant visa process for our family. Ms. Agnieszka, was extremely helpful, very professional, and efficient in guiding us from the start to a very successful finish of our family immigration process. In addition, she was successful in interfacing with the National Visa Center (NVC) in the States and the US consulate overseas to expedite the immigration process based on our family situation. We highly recommend Ms. Agnieszka for anyone who needs a professional representation and guidance with immigration process and other legal needs. It is a wonderful pleasure working with Ms. Agnieszka. Ms. Piasecka We graciously thank you for all your hard work for a Job Well Done.
Thank You!
5.0 stars
Posted by Antonio
August 1, 2017
Hired attorney
Aga, Thank you for helping me reconnect with my Daughter. When a relationship fails and there are children involved, emotions and uncertainty can become overwhelming. Child Support and Custody matters are not always things someone prepares for. In my situation I felt almost completely consumed by this. With your help and guidance I was able to navigate through the uncertainty of court proceedings and ultimately begin to restore the relationship with my daughter. Aga kept me informed throughout the entire process, was professional and courteous. My daughter and I are now able to spend time together and focus on moving forward in life. If your considering an attorney to represent you in a child support/child custody or other family situations, I would strongly suggest working with attorney Agnieszka Piasecka, she helped me and she can help you too. Thank you again!
Highly recommend
5.0 stars
Posted by Daria
June 21, 2017
Hired attorney
Very professional, nice and helpful lawyer. She always answer my questions by e-mail or phone. I’m very satisfied. Bardzo polecam Panią Agnieszkę. Jestem bardzo zadowolona z jej pomocy. Dziękuję.
Super Professional Lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Lukas
May 27, 2017
Hired attorney
I would highly recommend Agnieszka Piasecka as your future lawyer! We worked together on finalizing my Green Card Process and I can’t imagine anybody who could assist me better with professional help! 10/10!
Very professional and trustworthy
5.0 stars
Posted by Anna
May 19, 2017
Hired attorney
The lawyer Agnieszka Piasecka was very quick in communicating about the progress of our case. She is a great people’ s person and great listener also. She not only showed her knowledge about American but also Polish law. Our immigration case was complicated but with the competency of Agnieszka Piasecka we achieved the desired goal and my husband and I can be together.
Agnieszka will take care of all your needs, in a kind professional manner!
5.0 stars
Posted by Susana
April 11, 2017
Hired attorney
My wife and I came to Agnieszka seeking to do a step-parent adoption, so that I could finally adopt my son. She was prompt, courteous, kind, and professional. She listened to our needs and accomplished the adoption in even less time than she quoted it might take. Now, because of her expertise and professionalism, I am finally able to call my son, mine. I will continue to seek her counsel for any needs I have that may come up and will recommend her to family and friends, over and over.
Excellent Service and Assistance
5.0 stars
Posted by Margaret
March 29, 2017
Hired attorney
Ms Piasecka provided excellent service for my family. I would certainly recommend her.
Professional and well prepared
5.0 stars
Posted by Sebastian
February 24, 2017
Hired attorney
Agnieszka had a great approach and follow-up our case in professional manner.We certainly would ask her for her support in the future.
Professional Management
5.0 stars
Posted by anonymous
February 4, 2017
Hired attorney
Over the past year I have hired and consulted with Ms. Piasecka on several family law matters including immigration needs. Ms. Piasecka professional service, responsiveness, and expertise to address her client(s) is truly un-match. I regret I did not meet her when I needed legal representation during my divorce.
I am provide this review based on my experience with three previous attorneys and God is my witness.
Ms. Piasecka is top notch attroney, pays attention to details and her client(s) needs. She always responded to my phone calls, emails in person not through a legal assistance or a secretary, what world difference she is.
If you need legal help or representation please do not second guess her expertise you will never regret hiring her.
Agnieszka Sylwia Piasecka gets the job done!
5.0 stars
Posted by Sanaa
February 2, 2017
Hired attorney
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka provided accurate and professional advice, made suggestions we had not considered, and alleviated our stress level, by identifying elements that were not relevant to our situation. She effectively negotiated with the other party and got the case resolved in a very short period of time. She followed through and worked with all parties involved to collect needed information. She was well prepared throughout the process. She had a back plan ready, in case the initial plan did pan out. Our family is very grateful for the professional services provided by Ms. Agnieszka Piasecka.
professional, highly recommend
5.0 stars
Posted by Wojtek
January 27, 2017
Hired attorney
I hired Mrs Agnieszka to help me with my divorce.She did excellent job,always on time,always answering my questions by phone or mail,I’m very satisfied and highly recommend her.
High recommendation!
5.0 stars
Posted by Waclawa & Bruno
January 2, 2017
Hired attorney
Excellent Attorney! Professional and easy contact person. Bardzo goraco polecamy te wspaniala polska Pania Prawnik. Profesjonalna, serdeczna, szybka. Dziekujemy,
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka
Very professional lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Agata Bulanda
December 30, 2016
Hired attorney
I recommend Agnieszka Piasecka to any person that needs a lawyer. She is very good at what she does. Goes above and beyond in assisting her clients. I appreciate the special attention and understanding she gave to me… Thank You so much..
Excellent job
5.0 stars
Posted by RENEE
November 28, 2016
Hired attorney
I hired Attorney Piassecka to help me set up my trust and living will. She did an excellent job in making the process way simpler and efficient. She guided me throughout the process and took her time in explaining every details in a way that I can fully understand. She was able to captured the exact information that I want to be stipulated in my trust and living will. I will highly recommend her to my friends and family.
I recommend Mrs. Agnieszka Piasecka
5.0 stars
Posted by Dominik
November 4, 2016
Hired attorney
Agnieszka Piasecka helped me and my wife in the court case against unlicensed hairdresser, who damaged my wife’s hair. Mrs. Piasecka was emphatic and professional. Now the case is closed, and we are very satisfied with the result of her work.
Amazing service and commitment!
5.0 stars
Posted by Anna
August 5, 2016
Hired attorney
Agnieszka is wonderful to work with! She is very hard working and dedicated and really cares about the client. She has gone above and beyond to help us solve our problem. She has an amazing attitude and I highly recommend her.
5.0 stars
Posted by Katherine
July 3, 2016
Hired attorney
I hired Agnieszka Piasecka to help me with my divorce. She did excellent job. Was always answering my questions no matter what time I asked. Highly recommend.
5.0 stars
Posted by Beata
June 23, 2016
Hired attorney
Ms. Piasecka work with us to help explain every thing that was needed for us to move forward with our divorce, Ms. Piasecka was very patient and took the time to me detailed as this was a very difficult situation and she made things move ahead without more problems
5.0 stars
Posted by Samantha
June 13, 2016
Hired attorney
Agnieszka always responded my questions same day, unless I decided to email her late in the evening, she would get back to me the next morning or afternoon. She was very thorough in her explanations and always did what she said she was going to do for us. I really appreciated her professionalism!
5.0 stars
Posted by Wojciech
June 4, 2016
Consulted attorney
Pani Mecenas Agnieszka Piasecka Jest Wspanialym Mecenasem Zalatwila mi sprawe 100% ,moge spac spokojnie. W zwiazku z powyższym polecam jej pomoc wszystkim tym, którzy jej potrzebują. Pozdrawiam Wojtek
5.0 stars
Posted by Miki
May 31, 2016
Hired attorney
Aga was a very thorough and detailed about the steps the we needed to take for my case. She also kept me informed with what was going on each step of the way. I’ve already recommended a friend and I will use her for any future legal needs.
Tenant vs Landlord
5.0 stars
Posted by Marcus
April 13, 2016
Hired attorney
Agnieszka, handled my case perfectly. Usually tenants constantly lose against landlords. With my case, she showed great professionalism and attention to detail which led us to win the case against my landlord. I recommend her to anyone who has an issue. She is very fair.
Wspaniały prawnik!
5.0 stars
Posted by Katarzyna
March 25, 2016
Hired attorney
W wyjątkowo ciężkiej sytuacji życiowej mieliśmy szczęście stać się klientami pani Agnieszki Piaseckiej. Problemy związane z zatrudnieniem spadły na nas do tego stopnia niespodziewanie, że mieliśmy zaledwie kilka godzin, aby znaleźć adwokata. Mimo że zgłosilam się do pani Piaseckiej w piątek późnym wieczorem, odpowiedziała od razu. Podczas pierwszej rozmowy wykazała się wielką życzliwością i zrozumieniem dla naszej trudnej sytuacji. Po przeanalizowaniu naszej sytuacji zgodziła się nawet poświęcić nedzielę na spotkanie z nami i dokładne omówienie naszych szans w sprawie. Pani Agnieszka profesjonalnie przeprowadziła szereg rozmów z adwokatem strony przeciwnej. Mieliśmy możliwość śledzić ten proces i szczerze mówiąc, adwokat ów był osobą niechętną do ustępstw. Mimo to pani Piasecka w błyskotliwy sposób wywalczyła dla nas najlepszą formę ugody. Poza profesjonalizmem i wiedzą, panią Agnieszkę cechuje życzliwość i otwartość. Gorąco polecamy-jest to właściwa osoba na właściwym stanowisku, która po prostu wie, co robi.
Bardzo dobry prawnik
5.0 stars
Posted by Wojciech
March 22, 2016
Hired attorney
Zatrudniliśmy Panią Agnieszkę do naszej, niełatwej sprawy. Pani Agnieszka bardzo się zaangażowała i poprowadziła sprawę wyśmienicie. Jestem bardzo zadowolony ze współpracy z Panią Agnieszką. Polecam gorąco.
Affordable, accessible and efficient
5.0 stars
Posted by Grace
February 17, 2016
Hired attorney
Aga Piasecka is the best attorney that we have ever worked with. Her professionalism and legal expertise are impressive! We were able to discuss our situation with her in a friendly atmosphere and after taking the time to listen and understand our position, she honestly and kindly explained the different options available to us. We felt very comfortable with her representing us. Frankly, we were pleasantly surprised to find an attorney in this area who was always accessible, affordable, compassionate and able to solve our legal issues so efficiently. We highly recommend Aga without reservations.
Excellent experience. Professional bilingual service. Highly recommended.
5.0 stars
Posted by Kazimierz
February 12, 2016
Consulted attorney
Consultation in legal matters in the state of Florida and in Poland. Comprehensive advice. Thorough preparation. Konsultacja prawnicza w sprawach regulowanych przez prawodawstwo stanu Floryda i Polski. Rzeczowe, profesjonalne podejście ze strony pani prawnik, wyczerpująca informacja, pomoc w rozwiązaniu nawarstwiających się od dłuższego czasu problemów, włącznie z rozmową telefoniczną z przedstawicielem instytucji, z którą prowadziłem negocjacje. Pani Piasecka prowadzi sprawy i udziela porad w języku angielskim i polskim. Jej – dziękuję, Państwu – polecam.
MJR – Mario Janicki
5.0 stars
Posted by a client
February 11, 2016
Hired attorney
Agnieszka is a great attorney, honest, caring and kowledgeable. I fully recommend Agnieszka jest swietnym prawnikem – uczciwym i kompententnym. Bardzo polecam!
A force to be reckoned with!!!
5.0 stars
Posted by Alex Rivera
February 11, 2016
Hired attorney
I was very impressed by Attorney Aga Piasecka she is honest, hardworking, very knowledgeable and a force to be reckoned with in the courtroom! I was extremely impressed with how well prepared she was and how easily she won my case. I would highly recommend Aga, and would hate to be on her opposing side!
Agnieszka Piasecka – Lawyer
5.0 stars
Posted by Andrew and Nina Zaczkiewicz
February 11, 2016
Hired attorney
Agnieszka is a very good attorney. She is helpful, kind, responsible and verbal. It is nice to work with Agnieszka and Great to have her on your side. We strongly very pleased with the work of Agnieszka and we recommend to all those in need a good lawyer. Thank you Agnieszka
Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka
*The information on this website is intended for educational purposes only and shall not constitute legal advice.
Using this site or communicating with Attorney Agnieszka Piasecka through this site does not form an attorney/client relationship.
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